See mails ONLY from my contact list

I’m spending too much time each day moving spam to the JUNK folder.

I’m sure emClient has some way of automatically moving all incoming mails to JUNK, except if the sender is in my contact list.

Tried to find the feature - but could not.

How does one do this, please?

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I’m spending too much time each day moving spam to the JUNK folder.

I would first ask your mailbox provider if they have spam filtering options you can then enable in your online mailbox.

I’m sure emClient has some way of automatically moving all incoming mails to JUNK, except if the sender is in my contact list.

eM Client doesn’t have a Whitelist to only keep specified contacts in your Inbox.

You can “setup a Whitelist in your Online mailbox” which then will only allow email address’s / contacts you do want in your Inbox. That will then avoid you manually moving emails you don’t want from your Inbox to the Spam folder.

Apart from that, have you tried clicking the “Move to Junk and Blacklist email address” or Move to Junk and Blacklist domain" options in eM Client either via right click or via the toolbar ? That then creates Rules in eM Client via “Menu / Rules” where you can see & change them if needed.


What!? No whitelist? Bummer!

Yeah - tried all the other emClient stuff … and still having to manually move spam to JUNK daily. It’s a chore. (You do realize that spammers change their addresses routinely?)

Of course my mail providers do spam filtering. Still not even nearly perfect, heh.

With “online inbox” - do you mean a whitelist on the server? I.e. for all my different email providers? Surely not practical, heh. (Multiple whitelists/contact lists… etc etc)

I think this type of feature on emClient is sorely needed… like e.g. my iPhone only rings on calls from my contacts.

Is this difficult to build? Perhaps not even a “whitelist” is needed. Just plain: sender is not in contact list, move to JUNK.

With “online inbox” - do you mean a whitelist on the server?

Yes a whitelist on your server mailbox which then eM Client and/or any other mail clients you might have accessing that same mailbox “will then only receive the contact emails you want in your Inbox”. Everything else will go to the spam folder. Then no whitelists are needed in mail clients.

Multiple whitelists/contact lists… etc etc

You should be able to either copy and paste or export and import your same online whitelist to your other online mail account whitelists if you have multiple server account mailboxes. Your server technical support can help with that.

I’ve done that a few times in customers online mailboxes to lock them down to receive only the contact emails they wanted in their Inbox due to “they didn’t have any mail server spam filtering” or found their server filtering wasn’t good enough.

I’m sorry - this does not make sense to me.

Seems really unpractical maintaining contact lists - which of course is often quite dynamic - on multiple servers and having to engage tech support every time I have a new contact, etc. etc

I have bought eM client for my wife but the reason I will not move from Outlook Classic to eM client is the lack of a whitelist. I have Outlook configured to move all incoming mail to the Junk folder unless the sender is one of my contacts or in my whitelist. 98% of what ends up in Junk is junk. I simply drag the ones I want to my inbox or read them while still in Junk. I rarely would want to blacklist the sender, I just consider most email from the sender to be junk but sometimes there will be something worth my attention. A blacklist is simply not appropriate for my needs.

Totally agreed.

Just to reiterate: I don’t really even need a WHITELIST. Just a little feature or automated script that looks at incoming mail, and if the sender is not in my CONTACTS list, move to junk.
