
I disagree with your assertion in ‘Features’ that your search function is super fast and robust.  As I have communicated before, your search function undercuts your competitiveness with Outlook.  The general use interface is better than Outlook but your advantage stumbles when I have to do a search.  And, I often have to resort to firing up Outlook to easily find what I am looking for.  It’s interface’s ability to easily define the search scope (all items / Inbox / a folder), the search timeframe (this week / month / year / last year), the target (sender / recipient), and with or without attachments, is still far superior.  It seems like almost a trivial enhancement (few interface tweaks with accompanying SQL queries) so why not do it?

Hello nobrien1,

We’re sorry if our Search feature doesn’t satisfy you. Could you please specify what is it exactly that you’d like to change? All of these option are available in the Advanced search window (Menu -> Edit -> Find).

Thank you,