Search produces no results

I moved to a Windows 11 machine. Everything was carried over fine but the ‘Search’ option always brings up a blank page "There is no message to show in this view’’ The box does correctly detect email addresses as suggestions, but once you press ‘Enter’ no emails appear in the list. This used to be excellent and somewhat spoiled the experience of an excellent product.

Throwing some ideas out to test. What happens if in the list of accounts you select “Inbox” or the top level name of the account? Before you do a search, do you see all the messages? What happens if you search for something in a message you know exists, like the word “the” or “and”. Still comes up empty?

In the search box at the top centre, on the right hand end there are search options, do you have anything in the advanced search that would result in an empty search such that all messages are unintentionally excluded?

I’m using em client on Windows 11 and it’s working as expected. Em client is likely doing exactly what you are telling it to do but there is probably some combination of factors that inadvertently results in an empty search.

If you have eM Client V10 “click in the search field” and click the down arrow on the left to select your folders to search.

If you have eM Client V9, “click the dropdown arrow” on the right of the search icon to select your Folders to search.

Perfect! Thanks!