Search PDF content for keywords


Since about 2 months the content search of PDf in mails does not work anymore. I have not consciously changed anything in either the PDF program (Nitro Pro) or EM Client Pro. An EM Client update could have been in between. I am not sure.

> “It really depends on whether your PDF reader, or Windows itself, has a 32bit PDF filter installed or not. If it doesn’t, we will not be able to index the content.” I rule this out as nothing has been changed in the PDF software.

*“f you can’t find messages with pdf files in eM Client which I presume you are trying to do, just try searching in eM Client with the search line as .pdf and make sure you have selected “all folders” in the dopdown.” Find nothing.

“-> go to “Accounts…” then “IMAP” settings tab within the account you want to enable that in. “Sync options” section has ‘Download messages for offline use and to search in message bodies’ and additional ‘Include attachments to search in attached documents’” Its on.

Anyone else have an idea what the problem could be?
Greetings Hugo

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