Search Function Limitations

I am reading that there is a new version in Beta. This is great news and hopefully a lot of issues with version 9 will be taken care of.

My most pressing improvement is the search function… It is hard to use and has no boolean search capabilities that I have found.

Right now I was missing an important email in a search folder as I was not a main"recipient" of the email, but merely in “CC”. If I place my email address in both catagories the search folder filer it only shows me emails where I am a primary recipent AND in CC, which is, of course unlikely.

Boolean search is really important to me… I would like to be able to filter for emails where I am EITHER a primary recipient OR merely in CC. At other times where I am a recipient AND there is an attachment AND there is a specific other recipeint. I am used to building quite complex filters which simply cannot be done with eMC

Would be great !!

For a search folder, place the address in the Email field, which will look in To, From and CC fields to see if the address is there. Or choose Recipient for either To or CC.

You’ll need to add them from Choose Fields as it is not displayed by default.

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Thanks Gary, this works. It would be great if there was a full Boolean filter for populating Searchfolders. I would definately use more of them if I could filter properly.