Save email without server connection

I’m having an issue with an IMAP account that got restored to an old version on the mail server. I have a backup of the folder under AppData that has the data files for this account. Below are the steps I have tried.

Restored the data files and opened eM Client. As long as I don’t have a connection to the server, I can read them and even open attachments. As soon as I try to move or copy the messages to another email account or to a local folder, it fails because it can’t download from the server. It fails even on messages that appear to be fully downloaded (can read and open attachments). I have even tried saving the individual emails to .eml, but that also fails.

Of course, as soon as I connect to the server, all of the emails disappear.

Is there any way that I can get these emails saved somewhere so I can work with them?


Ever figure this out?