rules automatically setup in alphabetical order

as one can have zillions of rules, it should be very useful if rules were listed in alphabetical order, and placed the same way after you create one of them

Hi, thank you for the suggestion, we’ll consider making this change for future releases.

Thank you for pointing it out,

we’ll consider making this change for future releases

how much future?

Hello Claudio,
considering and implementing new features can be a time-consuming process and different features get different priorities based on the users feedback and our developers’ vision.
That does not mean that this feature might never be implemented.
Thank you for understanding.


Given that rules execute in order of their listing in the Rules panel, ordering them alphabetically would be problematic.

and why?
what’s the difference between executing them in order of their listing, or executing them in another order?

Rules execute in order of listing. That cannot be altered. One rule may conflict with another, hence the need to order them properly as email comes into the Inbox. For inbound messages, rules fire upon Inbox receipt. For example, a rule that moves a message to another folder would not execute if a rule listed ahead of that rule classified that message as Spam and moved the message to the Junk folder. Or suppose you want all emails received from your boss to go to a special folder. Rules ahead of that rule could override the boss rule. And so on.

This may be true, however if, like the OP said, one has got man, and I really mean many rules ( have got > 80 myself) then finding the right one is just a real PITA! The execution order should not be touch though.

Maybe something like a search box on top of the rules with a generic search, e.g. when start typing in “inbox” all rules that have the word inbox anywhere(!) in their name should be filtered.

I’ve suggested many enhancements to the current rules to no avail so far. The thread was started almost 2 years before and NOTHING has been changed/implemented so far!


Well, you could always use my method of dealing with a large amount of rules described here: