Lze rozdělit databázový soubor do různých adresářů? Například ukládat Archiv do jiného úložiště.
Can I split a database file into different directories? For example, saving the Archive to another repository.
You carnt separate the actual hidden database as nothing will normally work if you do that, but if you have eM Client V10 you can now create an eg: external (.emdf) data file on your hard-disk in a folder such as “Documents / eM Client” where you can then create mail folders under that data file to store any old mail you don’t currently need.
That data file can then either be left there “permanently open” to add to it anytime, or can be unmounted and remounted anytime later. To create the Data file go to “Menu / Data files”.
Alternatively if you are happy to use the same single mail database, you could use the eM Client “Local folders” at the bottom left to store old archive email in by either manually creating an eg: Old Mail folder and dragging / moving mail under that, or you can go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / Mail / Automatic Archiving” and setup to automatically archive mail older than X days as per per the following eM Client blog and also the following eM Client support webpage