I have a problem with the eM client on the iPhone 14 Pro Max.
There is no jailbreak installed, iOS is up to date and the eM client is also up to date.
When I receive an email from REWE after the purchase, the eBon is only shown to me as a PDF as a white document. I’ve noticed this twice this week. To illustrate this, I uploaded this as a screen recording.
Does anyone know what can be done?
The PDF is displayed correctly on the PC.
I’ve already tried it, but I can’t set anywhere on the iPhone which standard PDF reader should be used. But other PDFs are displayed correctly on the iPhone.
Just not the eBons from REWE.
I’ve already tried it, but I can’t set anywhere on the iPhone which standard PDF reader should be used. .
Ok if you then carn’t change the default iOS pdf reader, have you tried installing Adobe reader and then manually opening that Rewe eBon pdf ?
Other PDFs are displayed correctly on the iPhone
Certain types of pdf files I’ve found, only open correctly with Adobe reader like eg: 3D model pdfs. So Rewe might require a specific iOS reader or a specific setting in the reader.
I have the same problem with a PDF file “REWE-eBon” and not with other PDF files.
After I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader, the PDF file “REWE-e Bon” is displayed correctly on the iPhone, but unfortunately not on the iPad.
For me, this problem is only partially solved.
iPhone and iPad have the latest OS.
That will then be “either a setting in Adobe Reader on your iPad” or the “Adobe Reader on iPad possibly needs updating”. I would then contact Adobe Technical support who can assist you.
Ps You may need to send Adobe an example REWE Bon .pdf file to see & fix the iPad pdf reader issue.
Even with Adobe Acrobat Reader, the REWE eBon is not displayed correctly for me. In the Adobe app it does, so it must be the eM-Client.
If your REWE eBon .pdf file is also not displaying either in the Adobe reader on your iPhone, then its either a setting in the reader that may need to be enabled as (@highlander REWE eBon pdf files do open on his iphone), or there is something else in the iOS causing that not to display. That’s not normally anything to do with the mail client.
Have you heard back from REWE support ?
if you haven’t, I would contact them and let them know you have also tried opening the pdf files in Adobe reader and it’s still not displaying it.
Yes, the eBon is displayed correctly in Adobe Acrobat Reader, but not in the eM client when I click on the PDF there.
REWE support just said that I should open the PDF on my PC or laptop if it doesn’t work on my iPhone - great support!
And I should check my iPhone configuration. Exactly, there’s a lot you can do and set in iOS…
As I said, if I open the white PDF in the eM client and then go to Share at the bottom and select Adobe Reader there, the eBon is displayed correctly.
So it really has to be the eM client?
A PDF invoice from Hetzner, for example, is displayed correctly in the eM client…
If I open the white PDF in the eM client and then go to Share at the bottom and select Adobe Reader there, the eBon is displayed correctly.
Yes that’s how you open pdf files “that need specific pdf readers”. Not eM Client related.
That means your default iPhone reader in the OS doesn’t support those REWE eBon .pdf files. So if you carn’t default Adobe reader as the default as you advised previously then you will have to open them that way via the Share option to Adobe.
A PDF invoice from Hetzner, for example, is displayed correctly in the eM client.
The Hertzner pdf then “doesn’t require a specialised PDF reader installed to open it”. Not all pdf files are the same, so that why sometimes you have to open them in alternate pdf readers.
As I posted previously further up, when I get 3D PDF files “I can only open them in Adobe pdf reader on iPhone” as the default iOS pdf reader doesn’t support 3D Maps and is then all white.
That’s interesting.
I have now installed 4 other PDF readers (uninstalled Adobe) and no other reader could open the REWE eBon. Only Adobe Reader.
But I know that this worked before, even without Acrobat Reader.
It’s a shame that you can’t select the default PDF reader anywhere in iOS 18.
Or am I blind?
The problem is with the eM Client app. I have carried out a lot of tests for this. It was difficult to find the cause.
Why is it so important to open the PDF file “REWE-eBon.pdf” on an iPhone? Instead of a receipt on paper, the German supermarket REWE can send the receipt by e-mail as a PDF file while you are still in the supermarket. There is then no longer a paper receipt. To be able to check the receipt in the supermarket, you should therefore be able to open the receipt on your iPhone.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
It is NOT due to the Adobe Acrobat Reader!
iOS and iPadOS do NOT use Adobe Acrobat Reader when saving and displaying a PDF file as an attachment to an e-mail, but use the PDF viewer built into the Files app. It is not possible to use Adobe Acrobat Reader for this.
File REWE-eBon.pdf
The problem is NOT with the REWE-eBon.pdf file!
The problem can be reproduced with other PDF files.
iOS und iPadOS Mail app
It is NOT due to the iOS and iPadOS Mail app!
During testing, I was able to open and read every PDF file.
eM Client app
The problem has to do with the eM Client app, both under iOS and iPadOS!
Why can the eM Client app open and save this PDF file “REWE-eBon.pdf”, but cannot display any content, i.e. a white file is displayed?
This problem has occurred with the PDF file “REWE-eBon.pdf”, as it is sent with an owner password and always the same file name.
The eM Client app does not process PDF files with an owner password and the same file name correctly. This occurs with every file with an owner password and the same file name if the file is received multiple times.
The iOS and iPadOS Mail app do not have this problem.