Reversing the Update to 10

I am unable to use my email since the update I can send new emails but cannot do anything else. Can I go back to Version 9?

What happens when you try and receive email etc in the new V10 ? Can you elaborate on that.

jueves 25 julio 2024 :: 1359hrs (UTC +0100)

You will find instructions here:

How can I downgrade back to eM Client 9, eM Client 8 or older? - Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software

¡Buena suerte!


¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Thank you, however magically the program has corrected itself and I am able to work with it again. It took 48 hours to come right, the the end result is ok. A friend helped me put the InBox back together so that I get all incoming messages in the one place - I could not find the missing ones until he found the ‘Other’ box and reversed that.

I could receive e-mails on V10 but could not access my sent, junk mail, or trash boxes. However, after 48 hours the program has corrected itself! It is now working properly. I have changed the InBox back to one folder as the ‘Other’ was too confusing.
Thank you for your interest.