Restore local folders - no backup

My old computer died, I just bought a new one. I have the files from my old computer, so I have all my eM Client files from a few days ago, but no backup.

How do I get eM Client to import, recognize my mail files? It of course updates IMAP, but my local folders aren’t appearing.

Windows 11, eM Client current version.


As you haven’t been doing eM Client backups, then if you have a copy of your user profile or harddisk files (prior to reinstalling Win 11) on another backup drive, then you can copy the contents of the old eM Client hidden roaming database folder eg: “C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client” and replace your current eM Client hidden roaming database folder with that one, which will also then restore your email how it was before.

So you would “install the same or later version” of eM Client and then “skip the initial wizard setup” and then “close eM Client”. Then delete the contents of the new eM Client roaming folder and replace it with your backup contents. Then open eM Client and it should be how it was before.

Any new IMAP emails will sync once connected.

Suggest for future to make regular eM Client backups either manually via “Menu / Backup” or automatically via “Menu / Settings / General / Backup” . Either way it creates dated .zip backup files that can then be easily restored via “Menu / File / Restore” if you then need to anytime.

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Thank you, that worked!

That’s what I thought I did previously, but obviously screwed up somewhere.

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