Reply / Forward subject modification with both Re: and Fw:

I have eM Client configured with the Subject Modifications for replies and forwards set to “Re:” and “Fw:”.

I have noticed that:

  • When replying to an email that starts with “Fw:”, eM Client prepends “Re:” (i.e. “Re: Fw: email subject”).
  • When forwarding an email that starts with “Re:”, eM Client prepends “Fw:” (i.e. “Fw: Re: email subject”).

After a few iterations, the subject can look like “Re: Fw: Re: Fw: email subject”.

Outlook replaces the most recent “Re:” or “Fw:” with the appropriate type, i.e.:

  • Forwarding “Re: email subject”, changes the subject to “Fw: email subject”.
  • Replying to “Fw: email subject”, changes the subject to “Re: email subject”.

Can eM Client be configured to behave the same way? Or would this be a feature request?