eM Client Pro 9.2.2280
Windows 10 Home x64 22H2
RAM: 64 GB (55 GB free)
C drive: 1 TB NVMe SSD m.2 slot (645 GB free)
Online account: Hotmail (Outlook.com), free (not MS 365)
Not getting most reminders on events. No popup window appears at the configured reminder time which could be 1 hour, 8 hours, 18 hours, or a day or two before the event.
eM Client is not using the Windows system notifications function which disappear after 5 minutes (max timeout). It is using its own popup windows. When I return to my computer, I want an e-mail alert or reminder to still be on the screen, not have to remember to look at the system tray to see if the eM Client changed to an envelope icon (which is only when e-mail arrives as there is no change in eM Client’s systray icon for reminders).
Under settings → Notifications, a window icon is alongside the Reminder setting which means “Show popup windows”. The “Show notification icon in the tray area” is not an option for Reminder, so just the popup window is available, and is selected to show (the only option since it cannot be disabled). Again, “Use system notifications” is disabled. Windows notifications suck. “Hide popup window after N milliseconds” is disabled. I want the popup window to open, and stay open, so it is still there whenever I next return to my desktop PC. “Disable notifications when fullscreen” is disabled; else, I miss new e-mail alerts and reminders (when they work) while playing a video game, or have some app fullscreened.
Under settings → Reminders, “Show Reminders window instead of notifications” is enabled. I don’t know how this correlates to the separate “Use system notifications” (disabled) option. “Show reminders on top of other windows” is disabled; however, I’m not seeing reminder popup windows underneath other app windows, or when I close the windows of other apps. “Automatically dismiss reminders for past calendar events” is disabled.
I have not yet determined what might be common to those events whose reminders are missed. Even deleting an event, and recreating it won’t get the reminder to work. Mostly, but not always, the reminder is set to “At start” as the event is something I plan to do, but can postpone if needed. I don’t use Tasks since Start and Due Date would be the same, Status is unimportant, and tasks require a date and time for a reminder instead of a selected number of hours before the event. Since calendar events are missing the popup alerts for reminders, reminders on tasks would likely be just as unreliable.
The Outlook app on my Android phone works to show the reminders. It is connected to the same Hotmail account as eM Client. I get the reminders on my phone via the Outlook Android app, but only about half of them on my desktop PC via the eM Client program. When I visit hotmail.com to look at my account, a popup appears there for the reminders, including those that eM Client missed.
Because Microsoft yanked EWS (Exchange Web Services) from free accounts (those not subscribed to MS 365), I had to delete my Hotmail account in eM Client, and recreate it as an IMAP client. That account uses IMAP and SMTP, but also has AirSync (old name for EAS) selected to sync on calendars, contacts, and tasks. IMAP and SMTP are used for e-mailing. Seems EWS, when it was available, was reliable, but AirSync in eM Client is not reliable. Don’t know what the Outlook Android app uses for e-mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks sync.
I should not have to go to Menu → Reminders to see the reminders whose popup window never appeared. I can see the events in the right pane for Agenda, but those show the event times, not reminder times. Plus, I should not have to load eM Client to see the reminders when they are set to show. Their popup window should appear automatically when a reminder occurs.
From searching this forum, I am not the only one having problems with missing reminders. Seems this is an unreliable feature in eM Client. If so, I’ll have to use something else for a calendar. I miss meetings because eM Client didn’t show a reminder. I didn’t fast 12 hours before an A1C check (diabetes), because a reminder didn’t show. This also seems a defect in version 9 of eM Client. I don’t remember having missed reminders when I was using version 8. I updated to eM Client 9 Pro on 4/25/2024 (4 months ago), and have experienced LOTS of missing reminders.
On my Android phone, the Outlook app shows me the reminders. On my desktop PC after upgrading to eM Client 9, probably half, or more, of the reminders never show in a popup window. Considering all the forum posts about problems with reminders in eM Client, sure looks like the devs have not addressed this issue, and instead spent their efforts on version 10. Instead of focusing on version 10 betaware that requires paying to upgrade, the devs need to first address issues in version 9.