How can the saved data be reloaded?
To restore an eM Client dated file, you would normally put that in your user profile “Documents / eM Client” folder.
Then in eM Client go to “Menu / File / Restore” which should then automatically restore and eM Client will then be the same as it was when backed up. Any new emails since the restore will then automatically update when eM Client connects.
If you have more than one dated backup, then eM Client will then ask you which file you want to restore with the latest one at the top.
Under File Restore EM requests an XLM file The zip folder is not recognised
Under File Restore EM requests an XLM file The zip folder is not recognised.
I’ve never seen the desktop eM Client ask for a .XML file when restoring a as per the following eM Client blog on how to restore.
What version of eM Client are you using ?
Also what OS do you have and what OS version?
EM reinstalled has worked
Thanks for the help