This morning following a Windows version reinstall I’ve lost access to my emails at blueyonder domain and a red triangle appears next to the inbox telling us that there is some kind of connection issue. It’s not clear to me what this issue is.
I’ve tried a reinstall of eM Client, a reboot of the PC, a deactivation and reactivation of the licence but none of these have affected the issue.
I’ve viewed the connection log in the Operations menu but the output is too technical for me to understant, I can see a line that indicates we’re hitting some kind of timeout limit:
—> System.IO.IOException: No server response within 30 second timeout.
Has anyone experienced something similar to this and can they recommend a fix?
Kind Regards,
—> System.IO.IOException: No server response within 30 second timeout
Firstly check that you can login ok to your email account via your webmail online mailbox.
Next if you haven’t already, “power off your modem / router and computer for a minute” and then power back on incase your have an old IP address which can sometimes cause issues.
Next if powering off and on your modem and computer makes no difference and you haven’t changed any mail server settings in eM Client, then sometimes that can be caused by eg: Optionally installed Firewall / Security programs or Optionally installed Antivirus programs or VPNs running resident delaying the mail client. So if you have any optionally installed programs like that installed other than what comes default with your OS, try completely disabling those to test incase of any interference.
Now if you don’t have any optional program installed like that or disabling those type of programs made no difference, then check with your mail server technical support if they have any current server issues and let them know you are getting timeouts in your mail client.
Also ask them “what are the current mail server settings for your mailbox” to use in a mail client.
Now if nothing has changed their end and there is no mail server issues, then go to “Menu / Accounts” and update what your “Incoming and Outgoing mail server settings are”. eg: Server address, Port, Security policy. Also do you have a POP, IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud acct.
Blank out anything personal. We can then see if there is any obvious issues with the settings.
Could just be “you have the wrong mail server settings” since your reinstall of Windows.