Red Triangle on Outlook mail

My email won’y sync and all I get is a red warning triangle. I have tried deleting the account and reloading to no avail. I currently have nothing showing for that account - nothing! No emails at all!

Can anyone help with this? I’ve simply got no connection to Outlook email and just a red warning triangle telling me to check settings. HELP!!!

Can you temporarily disable any anti-virus/firewall or VPN application, then try again.

If that still does not help, can you give a screenshot of your IMAP settings? If the screenshot contains information you do not want on the forum, send it to me by private message. You can do that by clicking on my name and choosing Message.

Thanks Gary. Turned off my Avast security and was able to dowmlad the amil. Turned it back on and the red triangle appeared. What’s my next move please?

You will need to configure Avast to allow eM Client to connect to the Internet.

Thanks for your quick response. To allow Em Client access I think I go to Windows programs and click on EM client and then highlight something there - does that sound correct? And if so, do you know excatly what I copy and paste into Avast?

I don’t use Avast, so can’t give firsthand instructions, but as far as I know you need to disable the Mail Shield for inbound messages, or enabling eM Client as an exception in the Avast settings.