I turned of Mail in Icloud and now I am not receiving new email to my Android laptop.
I am still getting all email on my iphone.
If you have disabled your mail account in iCloud, and “no longer receiving mail in the eM Client mobile app” but are receiving mail on your iPhone app, then sounds like you either have a different (non iCloud mail account) configured in your iPhone app, or you have incorrect mail account settings in the eM Client mobile app.
So in the eM Client mobile app, press “Menu” at the top left then press “Settings” at the bottom. Then “press on your mail account” and see if it has the same account name and email address at the top as in your iPhone. Also at the bottom of accounts in “Services”, check if it has the same mail server settings as in your iPhone.
Now “if it does have the same mail account settings and same services mail server settings as in your iPhone”, then go to “Menu / Settings” and click “Show Operations” under the General tab. Then press the “Log” tab and look for any obvious error messages and paste them in this thread. We might then be able to see why it’s not receiving mail. You can press on any errors in the log and you will see a copy log item to clipboard.
Note:- eM Client "doesn’t currently have an Android Chromebook version as yet. That’s coming at a later date (no eta yet), so apart from any mail account settings possibly incorrect, the current mobile droid app may not work 100% yet anyway on Chromebook untill it’s released later.
I don’t know if this is what you require?
14:55:42 [email protected] [IMAP] Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 19: ‘constraint failed’.
Please have patience at 79 years Im not too bad on tech stuff just a lot slow.
I think I did this error when trying to get rid of a pop-up which said I should stop and restart My wife’s Icloud becuase it was currupt, which started when I installed Bitdefender and its VPN. Wish I’d just left Norton (who took over Bullguard) running!
I think I did this error when trying to get rid of a pop-up which said I should stop and restart My wife’s Icloud becuase it was currupt, which started when I installed Bitdefender and its VPN. Wish I’d just left Norton (who took over Bullguard) running.
I would recommend then for a test, to “completely disable or uninstall Bitdefender and it’s VPN” and see if eM Client then works, as Firewalls / Security programs and VPNs can sometimes block or interfere with mail clients.
If eM Client then works ok with Bitdefender disabled, then you either need to contact your support at Bitdefender to see how to configure it to allow eM Client to work, or leave it uninstalled.
Note: As you mentioned in your original post at the top that you have an Android laptop, that already has security software built-in being a Chromebook, so you don’t normally need optional security software for a Android laptop. I’ve personally had 3 Chromebooks and never used any optional security software. Everything is in a sandbox.
Now if you still then get the same error [IMAP] Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 19: ‘constraint failed with Bitdefender disabled, then I would go to “Menu / Accounts” in the mob app and “remove and readd your Sky IMAP mail account” either using the Automatic account wizard or Import via QR code if you use eM Client for desktop. .
If you do use eM Client for desktop, see the following eM Client documentation on how to export accounts etc via QR code to the mobile app.
Lastly if removing and readding your Sky IMAP account still is getting SQLite error messages in the mobile app with no optional firewall / security program installed, then “you will need to wait for the eM Client update that officially supports Chromebooks” and use the mobile app in the meantime on either a Droid or Apple cell phone.