Is it possible to mark ALL entries in this forum as “Read”?
Maybe I missed something, can’t find that…
in the top line there are links to Latest, New, Hot and Categories.
Go to New and at the left side is a button “Dismiss New”.
Mmmh. Thanks a lot, danke.
But it apparently marks only those as “read”, that were under the “NEW” label.
When I go back to the main window, I still have hundreds/thousands of entries in boldface.
Or I’m doing it wrong…
No answer yet. Maybe I have to rephrase my question:
When I enter the website of this forum, it puts me into the view “Latest”, which basically offers ALL entries ever made in this forum with the “unread” ones marked in boldface.
My question: How do I mark ALL entries in the “Latest” view as “read”.
No I don’t think you can mark all unread posts as read, unless eg: the forum enabled that option via a button. Need support to advise on that.