Purchased V9 weeks before v10 released

I recently purchased V9 and just learned that V10 has been released. Since my purchase was made last month, will I receive an automatic upgrade to V10 or have I paid for a license that will never receive any updates.

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I recently purchased V9 and just learned that V10 has been released. Since my purchase was made last month, will I receive an automatic upgrade to V10

Suggest to email [email protected] and explain your situation and when you purchased it.

If it was very close to the official new release pricing with V10 “they might do something for you”. That will be up to sales to answer that

Normally if you purchased eM Client V9 Pro without the lifetime upgrade options then you will only get all the V9.x updates.

However if you purchased eM Client V9 Pro with the lifetime upgrade options, then you will then get V10,11,12 etc.