Procedure for Migrating Thunderbird Profile to EmClient

I am looking for the procedure to migrate a Thunderbird Profile to EmClient successfully.

For decades I’ve used Thunderbird – however, in the past few months, Thunderbird has undertaken a policy of forcing the users to create a new Profile each and every time there is a new software update ------

The newly created profile has Zero data from the former profile ---- and therefore the user has to ‘hope’ they can get the old profile data migrated into the new profile.

This is a stressful, time-consuming, and not effective process.

I reference the above, because as a user, after a few basic software updates, a person ends up with multiple profiles in their computer – a new profile having been created with each update -----------------

I need to determine how I can migrate the Profile that has the most complete emails/data onto EmClient?? - this would be the next to the last existing profile – not the latest one, which is blank.

Is there a video or some instructions somewhere??

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

If you have Thunderbird installed on the same computer profile, you can import directly into eM Client from Thunderbird via the “Menu / File / Import” menu.


I have Thunderbird on an older PC 10 –

and am migrating everything on this old computer to a new Win 11 –

I’m hoping that I might get the appropriate Thunderbird file I need onto a flash drive from the old computer and then use it on the new computer -----------------------therefore never actually needing to entirely put Thunderbird onto the new computer --------------only EmClient — and use the flash drive to migrate the profile ie old emails, contacts, etc

Is this doable – and if so what do I need to put onto the flash drive -------------------only a copy of the profile file ??? or will I have to comp[letely install Thunderbird onto the new computer?

Thanks in advance…

jueves 27 abril 2023 :: 0832hrs (UTC +0100)

I have been in a similar situation though not with Thunderbird.
Install eMC on the ‘Old’ computer
Follow the @cyberzork instructions
Run Menu ->Backup on eMC after this
Copy Backup to Flash Drive from …Documents/eM Client (default location)
Install eMC on Win 11 computer DO NOT bother with Account setup
Create …Documents/eM Client on Win11 computer & copy Backup…ZIP here
Menu ->File ->Restore (may take a while dependant on size of Backup file)


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Hello, I know that it has been a long time, but perhaps someone is still monitoring this thread…

I am trying to migrate a Thunderbird identity to eM Client, following the procedure indicated above. However, it was a complete disaster. I created the Identity, and moved the mails in the Inbox into it. However the remaining mails were imported WITHOUT being filed in their folder tree, instead they were all dumper in under Favories → Unread in no order at all. There were also moved 36 recent mails into Favorites → All Inboxes.

What has gone wrong? How can I import the mails with the folder tree maintained?