Probleme pour envoyer des mails

Depuis ce matin je ne peux envoyer des mails.

5.7.1 message erreur suivant : Email rejected per spam policy

Ce message signifie que le mail a été bloqué par les filtres automatiques du serveur mail entrant, votre message est donc considéré comme SPAM/ message indésirable. Afin de pallier à ce problème je vous invite à

appliquer les paramètres suivants pour envoyer du courrier avec une adresses SFR :

  • serveur =
  • sécurisation = STARTTLS (Port 587) ou sécurisation = SSL (Port465) si votre courrielleur/appli ne reconnait pas STARTTLS
  • authentification = nécessaire/requise
  • type d’authentification = par mot de passe simple
  • identifiants = votre adresse mail complète et son mot de passe associé.
    Pour certains produits Microsoft, NE PAS COCHER la case “Sécurisation SPA”
    Restant disponible et dans l’attente de vos retours.

Since this morning I cannot send emails.
5.7.1 following error message: Email rejected per spam policy.

As @Paul_Technical_Suppo advised below (end of post), smtp error 5.7.1 usually relates to your sending mail server who is blocking you for some eg: Spam or other Unsolicited activity reason. So you need to contact your SMTP server technical support and advise the error.

Could be something to do with the amount of eg: recipients you send at a time in the TO: , CC: or BCC lines, or maybe specific text in the sent messages, or you might have some possible trojan virus that’s automatically sending large amount of emails without your knowledge etc.

Example thread of the similar 5.7.1 SMTP problem sending email via eg: Gmail server.


Jul '15

"Hello, this means your mail server may have been banned to suspicious activity or due to sending out unsolicited mail from it’s server, please check with your mail service vendor in order to resolve this issue.

Hope this helps"

Merci pour votre reponse mais qui contacter SMTP Server technical ? Je ne connais pas les coordonnées pour les joindre.


who to contact SMTP Server technical? I do not know the contact information to reach them.

So whatever SMTP mail server “you send your mail out through” via “Menu / Accounts” in eM Client, is the one you need to contact and tell their technical support when you send mail you are getting error 5.7.1 Email rejected per spam policy. They will be able to assist you.

If you are not sure, go to “Menu / Accounts” in eM Client. Then click on your account, and then click the “SMTP Tab” at the top. You will then see your “SMTP Host Server address” eg: . So in this example i would contact Google technical support who host the Gmail SMTP Server.