Problem with eM Client for Mac V10 Agenda sidebar not showing Weekdays compared to V10 Windows Agenda

Problem with eM Client for Mac V10 Agenda sidebar “not showing Weekdays” compared to eM Client V10 Windows Agenda.

Using eM Client V10.0.3530 for Windows where today is “a Saturday” in the month in my part of the world. If i set the Agenda to show “Upcoming events by Week”, i see all the “Weekdays displayed” underneath with all the various events in each day which is great as per the 1st screenshot below.

However if i set eM Client V10.0.3530 for Mac with the identical Agenda setup to show “Upcoming events by Week”, i don’t see the Weekdays displayed (only the word Next Week) and the events are all jumbled up together as per the 2nd screenshot below.

Is this a bug in the Mac version of eM Client, Or have i not got something enabled in eM Client on the Mac, Or is the weekdays just not enabled yet for Mac in the V10 Agenda sidebar ?

(eM Client V10.3530 Agenda for Windows showing the Weekdays ok)

(eM Client V10.3530 Agenda for Mac “Not showing the Weekdays”)

(My eM Client V10.0.3530 for Mac Calendar settings)