Problem syncing with yahoo email account

Hi seaweedsteve,

Yes, it appears they are aware of this issue. See comments above from George Wilson and John Schindler who offers a solution. It didn’t work for me, so maybe someone will continue to address this issue.

OK, I think I got it to calm down on the errors by turning off contact syncing under accounts settings. I already had the calender sync disabled.

I’m getting my imap inbox mail and it’s not throwing five errors everytimg it checks so, good enough for now. Contacts will need to be synced at some point, but not all the time.

Maybe that’s a clue. Yahoo must have changed something there. I imagine that they really don’t want us to use outside clients on a free email account, but are afraid they’ll lose us, which they would. My Gmail account plays nicer with all the desktop clients and I keep my calender there.

I want to clarify, that I’m not fixed. Just back to getting emails, but I’m still throwing a ton of login errors. My issue was complicated by the fact that Yahoo thought my account was compromised, so I needed to change my password, and then nothing was working after I changed it inside the eMClient. 24 later it worked, so I’m guessing, but some sort of caching must have been happening.

I was asked to delete my account and re-add. I have NOT done that. But I think that was asked when nothing was getting through. I’m now behaving like everyone else. Email gets delivered, then errors asking me to login in. I get several in a row before they clear.

I hope they figure out what yahoo is doing and get us a work around. I really need eMClient to maintain my calendar and get it to my phone. Which yahoo web does not handle.


Seeweedsteve. I want to tell you that my yahoo email account is NOT FREE. I pay the 19.95/year so I can control my content. I was using outlook client when I had a corp exchange server, and all my yahoo email was pulled to my client. a free account will not allow that, and I was not able to use the normal email servers in the eMClient.

But to confirm, a paid yahoo email account is having the same issues as free, so I don’t thing that is the issue. I do think contacts could be it. I’m syncing email, contacts and calendar, so if you watch the logs, alot of the errors come from trying to sync my contacts and connect to the calendar.

Do the login prompts display “Unauthorized” or “invalid username/password” in the yellow line on the top?

If yes, then it’s broken only for calendars and/or contacts, which is why you may not notice it in other applications that don’t access these services.

@John. Mostly off-topic here. I’ve thought about paid yahoo for years, but it only offered POP and then STMP became secretly and eventually openly available, I think because they had to to keep people on yahoo when smart phones came out. I believe that STMP is the better way to go, to retain my mail in the cloud as a backup, but you may not. If STMP is for you, I don’t think that paid offers any advantage there.

Especially if you have Android and in any case, you may want to double up and get a gmail account for recovery and redundancy. Gmail is going to sync calenders and contacts more readily with most platforms and programs as they are simply a more cooperative company (in my experience) and more of a standar. I like my yahoo address, but again, gmail works great for calender and contact syncing across all my platforms, especially since I use android.

Just some friendly advice that might help you work around this problem too, if it fits.

@Fillip. If you are asking me, I didn’t copy the error message or popup to be precise, but it asked for my password over and over, even as the operations box was (often) completed.

I just turned contact syncing back on and am checking mail, but it seems to work now! Go figure. Traveling for a week sorry I can’t help more. Thanks for your attention on this.

I can reproduce a problem with Yahoo Mail! that results in connection errors in the Operations window. That is different problem from the password prompt though. I just want to make sure that there are two separate issues (one being the login prompt for calendar/contacts, the other being connection errors for mail).

My issue is the login/password error messages for Yahoo that says: (CardDAV) An attempt to connect to (my yahoo email address) has failed. This could be caused by temporary server unavailability or incorrect settings. Do you want to check the setting? I’ve changed my Yahoo password. That didn’t work, so I deleted it and set it up again using the new password, but the errors still come. The same thing happened to my gmail, but that seems to be, at this time, working fine.

I hope that helps.

There seem to be two unrelated problems.

The Yahoo! CalDAV and CardDAV APIs (ie. calendar and contacts) intermittently respond with “401 invalid username/password” for all requests. We have described the error and reported it, but there’s not much we can do about it. It seems that we can at least recognize these responses from true “Unauthorized” errors with wrong username and/or password. If we don’t receive a response we will implement a workaround.

The Yahoo! IMAP server has a slightly different issue. There are actually two servers - “” and “”. We currently use the former, but we are going to switch to the latter in the next update. The former server silently stops responding to commands after about 3 minutes of inactivity and then closes the connection after roughly 10 minutes. This results in eM Client waiting almost 7 minutes for the command to finish without any error. The latter server also stops responding after about 3 minutes of inactivity, but at least the connection error is reported immediately and we are able to handle it more gracefully.

Thanks for your explanation, Filip. I have taken to setting my sync to a more occasional time span - 18 minutes, as the constant notification of the denied password interferes with my work.

Not sure why the error notification still comes up even though I have that Windows Operation setting unchecked in eM Client. Perhaps that is another issue to address in the next update.

Please let us know when the yahoo contacts is working again. Thanks.

Hi seaweedsteve, I’m still having problems with yahoo email. I keep getting “unauthorized” notices.

I will let you know when it starts working. Has there been a solution to this problem?

Please see my colleague’s reply above - we have not received any response from Yahoo yet.

I wonder how Zimbra is dealing with contacts and the APIs… That would be worth looking into for you guys.

I understand that they were/are owned by yahoo, so they might get preferential access.

I just changed from Zimbra, and was having no issues. Now I am having this issue with EMClient, but only with my yahoo account. I have Gmail on this as well with no issues, but every 30sec. or so I get the pop up window saying “Server says 'invalid username/password” They are both correct, but…

Has anyone found a solution?

The error is with contact and calender syncing as has been noted in this thread.

Try going to Tools>accounts menu and disabling your Yahoo account’s contacts and calender services under those respective tabs. . That worked for me. I have the same contact list in gmail, so leaving my contacts and calender synced with gmail only is a reasonable workaround for the error for now.

Also, go to settings>general>operations and uncheck all the notifications there to avoid constant harrasment.

Although there are some issues, I do like EMClient better than Zimbra, it seems quicker, lighter on the resources for my older machines yet with full features and settings control.

Hopefully Yahoo will improve their syncing system or EMClient folks will figure out how to deal with their wierdness eventually. Again, Zimbra manages it, so there must be a way, or perhaps Zimbra simply gets special treatment for being a yahoo product.

Oh, and if you didn’t try the other tweak from Filip above, then also change the imap server in yahoo account to:

That one works best.

Steve, I tried all those and nothing is working. Maybe they do get special treatment, but then again I am paying to allow the IMAP service through Yahoo, so they should let their client use what ever they want.

please let me know if there are any other solutions.


Oh, you are a paid yahoo person. I’m not certain that IMAP is part of the paid service, I saw that it was POP that they offered.

Frankly, again, I don’t see what the value of paid is. I don’t get any ads using Zimbra or EMClient anyway and I don’t care to use pop access.