Problem receiving mails from

Every time I receive an email from someone with a email address, this email is placed in the spam list. Because it often concerns customers, I have to check my spam list every day. But if I mark such an email to be moved to the mail in list and remove the email address and domain from the spam list, this only happens for a short while and after a while the email is back in the spam and all new emails from are put on the spam list again. Can this be adjusted?

Either eM Client is moving them there because you blacklisted the gmail domain, or your server is doing it.

Go to Menu > Settings > Mail > Blacklist and edit the list. Find the domain and remove it. Then if the messages are still going to Junk, it will be the server, or even another app connecting to the same account, that is doing it.

I have the same problem and the domain is not on the blacklist. A number of specific gmail addresses are, but not the domain.

I have the same problem and the domain is not on the blacklist. A number of specific gmail addresses are, but not the domain/

If you don’t have any Gmail address’s or Gmail Domain setup in the eM Client Blacklist or separately in an eM Client custom Rule via “Menu / Rules”, then emails going automatically to the spam / junk folder, must be then doing that “from the Gmail mailbox end” as @Gary advised, where you will then have to go into the Junk / Spam folder online and “Mark those as Not Spam”. You Gmail mailbox will then remember that for future to keep that senders emails in the Inbox.

To dbl-check if its an eM Client rule setup automatically moving them, for a test “disable all rules”.
Then if that senders emails stay in the Inbox in future, you know its one of your rules setup. If that senders emails still automatically go to the eM Client junk / spam folder, then you know its a Gmail mailbox issue and you have to then mark them online as as Not Spam as advised.