I use the built-in export facility in eM Client and it does seem to work satisfactorily except for when selecting the export destination.
The default is Documents/Exported e-mails and when I select Next the message is - " This Directory is not empty, Do you wish to allow overwriting?"
Using No or Cancel just clears everything and goes back to the beginning. Using Yes does export the selected folders but causes several duplicates of e-mails already in the Directory.
Is there some way to stop this and just get storage of replacements and not duplicates?
Thanks, Daddybear.
Try then creating a new folder (if you have already tried) and “select that new folder as the destination when you export”, which then shouldn’t have any duplicates “unless your source messages have some duplicates” prior to exporting.
If your source messages have duplicates then you might want to look at running the built-in de duplicator “and then export your messages”.
“Menu / Tools / Deduplicator”.
It searches for exact duplicates.
Note: If you do run the deduplicator, backup eM Client first via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh and click Show Operations.
Thank you for your reply and suggestions.
My main problem is that I like to store e-mails (away from eMC program) every 2weeks as part of a ‘Housekeeping’ exercise with general scans and cleaning and so I do want all the e-mails in the same folder.
I used to use a program called Mailstore which did store them incrementally without duplicating but this stopped working on outlook.com when the new Authentication rules were introduced.
I had hoped that the same storage method would work the same in eMC but obviously not.
Thanks for your help and interest anyway.
My main problem is that I like to store e-mails (away from eMC program) every 2weeks as part of a ‘Housekeeping’ exercise with general scans and cleaning and so I do want all the e-mails in the same folder.
Ok and alternative to exporting mail that you might prefer is eg: if you have eM Client V10, you can also go to “Menu / Data files” and create a (.emdf) data file (similar to Outlook pst / ost) externally “in a folder of your choice on your hard-disk”, to then drag / move any account emails to that data file. You can then create mail folders under that data file called whatever you like.
The data file then appears “under your email accounts” at the bottom left “above local folders”, where you can then either “leave it there permanently mounted” to update messages whenever you want, or “you can unmount the data file” if you don’t need it allways open.
Note: If you do create a data file to store messages in on your hard-disk, make sure to backup that data file when it’s unmounted.
Thank you for the further suggestion.
I will have a go at that tomorrow and let you know how I get on.
Had a go at your suggestion but I think it is a bit too complicated for what I want.
Think I will be better to delete all previously exported e-mails from the main program before exporting the remainder.
If I do that on my fortnightly routine I think I should be able to avoid the duplicates.
Thanks again for your interest.
Hello again cyberzork.
As I mentioned I am now not using the Data Files system that you suggested.
I do, however, now have a ‘data file’ showing under my accounts list but I cannot get rid of it.
Please can you tell me how to do this?
As I mentioned I am now not using the Data Files system that you suggested. I do, however, now have a ‘data file’ showing under my accounts list but I cannot get rid of it.
To remove the data file, go to “Menu / Data files” and then click “Unmount” along the top.
Thanks cyberzork - all done now.
Simple when you know how!!