POP3 or IMAP? The visible difference on emclient?

I just created my first emclient email account using a google account which at gmail.com is set for POP3 enabled. I want to have a POP3 emclient account, not IMAP.
The difference in my current understanding is that active folders such as Inbox and Sent are on the server only with IMAP but are stored on the client with POP3, just as local folders are with IMAP. I still see on my emclient software the Local Folders for Inbox, Sent, etc. below what look like active IMAP type folders for Inbox and Sent. With Outlook 2016 client desktop on POP3, I had only one Inbox and Sent folder per email account, not two as I have now. Can someone help orient me a bit here as a new user? With a POP3 emclient account (I think), why do I see two folders for Inbox and Sent?

Google no longer support less secure pop account login and password due to Google have moved to using a secure OAuth token passwordless login since 2022.

So you need to setup your Gmail account as an IMAP account via the automatic account wizard as per the following eM Client blog.

(Google less secure apps and what it means for eM Client)

(EM Client with Google Workspace setup blog)

The difference in my current understanding is that active folders such as Inbox and Sent are on the server only with IMAP but are stored on the client with POP3

An IMAP setup means “all your mail and mail folders, contacts , calendar etc are on the server” so all your devices receive and send the same email etc. Nothing is kept locally unless you choose to store it locally.

eM Client has a “Local Folders” area where you can store messages offline if you choose anytime.