Please provide an option for opening links behind email

In Mac eM Client please provide an option for opening links behind email something similar like in Apple mail client, this is a real handy feature

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please provide an option for opening links behind email.

Can you give an example of that in this thread. I don’t know what you mean when you say “behind email”. Can you elaborate on that.

You can already open “mail to” links in html emails and already open “http” links in emails. Is what you want different to either of those ?

please check the below snapshot for more details…this is from Apple mail client

this is from Apple mail client

Ok I see what you mean now opening the link in a browser “but not seeing it in front” and looking at it later.

That shouldn’t then be difficult to add to eM Client as its only a simple additional to the existing right click Menu.

I’ll change this to a Feature Request.

only difference / convenience is post opening such links i am can focus on other such emails. thank you for your consideration