Hello and welcome
I have two questions
I just wanted to know where I can find the path to “Local Folders”
The second question - I wanted to know if Local Folders are folders created on my computer and if I can copy all the mail I have on the server there. If so, how do I copy it
By default the database is the complete C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ folder. You may have to enable hidden items in Explorer to get there if you want to have a look around. The database contains all your settings, preferences, accounts, local data, and cached synced data. The files or folders within the database are not individually useful without the whole database.
Yes you can use Local Folders to store messages. Just drag the message from the IMAP or Exchange folders in eM Client such as your Inbox or Sent folder, and drop them in the Local Folders below your account folders. You can also right-click on the messages and choose Move to Folder. Whatever works best for you.
If Local Folders are not visible below your other folders, you can enable them by selecting Menu > Settings > General > General > Show Local Folders.
Thanks a lot for your help. You explained it all very nicely. He understands everything. I only have one vagueness. Well, today I copied all the emails from the trash to the trash in local folders. In the program it looks nice and everything is ok, but when I entered this (local) folder with the path you gave me (C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client.), unfortunately I do not see any folder with named “Trash” and no emails from the trash. There are only some unfamiliar “Dat” files. I thought they would physically be there. Please help
The files in the database folder are not usable by you. Please close Explorer.
You can view the messages in eM Client only.
What if I wanted to archive them, for example to a CD or an external drive. How to do it
The files in the database folder are not for you to use. If you try to change them in any way, you will break the database and possibly lose data.
To find out about archiving in eM Client, please see the Documentation (F1).
If you want to backup your eM Client data, you will find that in the Documentation as well.
Thank you very much. I consider the topic closed
well thanks a lot, the topic has been closed.