Past calendar events not popping up

My wife is still on ver. 9, but I have upgraded to ver. 10. However, we both have the same problem. We don’t use the calendar so much as a calendar, but as a daily reminder.

Since I normally wake up at 0700, I’ll put all of my daily events at 0600 or 0630. The title of the event is what’s important. Events will be something like “Doc appt @ 0830” or “Jim’s b-day today”. The goal is to have all of my appts popup the moment I turn my computer on in the morning.

Unfortunately, that’s not happening. The calendar events popup kind of randomly, but mostly in mid-afternoon. One thing I have considered, but not had time to test. We share our calendars and this problem may have started when we began sharing, but I’m not positive of that. I will usually have her calendar “clicked on” so I have visibility of it all the time. Maybe it is interfering with the popups. Does anyone have any thoughts? Gary, what do you think? Thanks, vw

After doing some testing, it appears that the problem has something to do with the way emc sync’s two different shared calendars. My wife and I share each other’s calendars. Previously, I always had her’s clicked-on all the time. After unclicking her’s, my calendar alerts pop-up first thing when I turn on my system in the morning, which is the way I want it.