"Password Required" with exchange account.

This is the second time I have had this issue. The first time i ended up deleting all related files and uninstalled to make it work correctly again for about a month. 

I get the error below. I’m 100% certain the user name and password is correct. When I press “OK” the window keeps popping up. If i press cancel it will allow me to send/receive emails for a short period of time until I get the “Password required”  window again. 

Im running: 
Windows 7 
Version: 6.0.21372.0
Microsoft Exchange 2010
My Gmail account works perfectly fine. 

Thanks in advance,

Hi Brandon,
can you please try to update your eM Client to this release, http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.21899/setup.msi and check if the issue persists? We’ve addressed an authentication issue with the Exchange server quite recently.

Hope this helps,

That seemed to have resolved my issue.

Thank you for the help!

Glad it works, please make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions about the application.

Thank you,

The issue was fixed the last two days but has actually come back to doing the same thing today.

Hi Brandon, if you’ve updated the application to the above mentioned release, try to update to the latest using this link, http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.22065/setup.msi check if the issue persists and if the password required popup persists, please let me know.

Thank you,

I am having the same problem.  All of the sudden it is saying the server is saying “incorrect authentication data” and says my password is incorrect.  Please help!
Thank you,