OwnCloud 6 CalDav calendar error


I have been searching and troubleshooting for some time, but have not found any luck in solving my issue. I would really like to solve this so I can use eM Client.

OwnCloud 6.0.1 running on secure Apache server with SA signed certificate

When attempting to connect to the default calender we get this error:

10:44:14 AM CALENDAR [CalDAV] MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 2, position 3.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you

Hi, can you please download this tool (http://www.telerik.com/fiddler), install it on your computer.
When you do so, go please to Tools > Fiddler options > HTTPS and check “decrypt HTTPS traffic” and save the settings.
Then you should be able to see more activity in this tool, please go to File > Export Sessions > All sessions and send us the logs from this tool to [email protected] (my email address).

We’ll take a look at what’s behind this issue.

Thank you,

Just to follow up: This has been resolved. It was due to an error on the owncloud server where an extra whitespace was being inserted in the XML. This was caused by a closing php script tag ?> at the end of a Owncloud configuration file followed by a new line and/or space Works on XP, but having a different issue with Windows 8. Opening a new thread for new issue.

Thanks everyone!