When Importing Calendars from Outlook21 into emClient, I have run across an interesting problem:
Outlook’s default behavior when creating a calendar appointment is to mark it as “Busy”. After importing my calendars into emClient, an “Invite” request (to Accept, Decline, or mark as Tentative) seems to be created for every single appointment. Dotted lines also appear around every imported calendar appointment in the Main Panel. Agenda View shows all appointments in Bold.
To further clarify, an “Invites” column on the Right Side Panel displays with seemingly all my appointments showing as Invites. I have tried:
- Accepting or Declining them one at a time, but there may be far too many as emCliet doesn’t always seem to register my selection.
- Changing an individual appointment from “Busy” to “Free” manually in the calendar view in the Main Panel. This seems to work: The Invite disappears, the dotted lines go away and the Agenda view item un-Bolds - even when I change it back to Busy.
The same behavior also happens when Importing with “Settings” and “Rules” checked or unchecked.
I’ve also tried deleting emClient’s data folder to completely start over with no luck…
Over the years, I have stacked up thousands of appointments. As going through every one individually is not a viable option, does anyone have any insight?
I’ve looked for solutions on both sides (Outlook and emClient) to no avail.
Can I Accept, Decline or even simply delete all emClient Invites or is there a way to bulk change them all to free upon import or otherwise?
A separate issue exists with SOME Recurring Events (not all) that may or may not be related - Recurring Events do not seem to appear in the Invite Panel, but some of them do appear with dotted lines around them in the Main Panel, whether they are marked as “Free” or “Busy”. Changing the item’s status from “Busy” to “Free” or vice versa (depending on it’s currently assigned value) removes the dotted lines.