Outgoing mail sound

Most mail programs play a sound, when a message is sent. Is this possible in em-client too? I cant finf such an option.

eM Client does not have that option.

I can’t say that  have not noticed this on other applications. Which ones have you been using that do this?

Apple Mail, Outlook, The Bat!.. The truth is: em-client is the only mailer I know, which doesnʼt habe this option.

My recent experience is with eM Client, Thunderbird and Evolution, none of which do that.

Different circles I guess. :slight_smile:

Very interesting. But my question was not about your experience but if this option exists in em-client. It is answered, so we can close the discussion.

Yes, the question was answered. My comment about my experience indicates that this feature may not be as common as you think it is.

Very interesting Auerhahn. I tried for years to get Outlook to play a notification on send but was never able to do that. What version of Outlook are you using? Where to find that setting?

I canʼt say. I donʼt use Outlook since I switched to Mac OS. On the Mac this feature is normal. Now Iʼm back to windows and miss it. May be on Windows it went out of use.

I am looking to use eM Client alongside Outlook for Mac.  I manage a prepress department that relies on Outlook as the client for our Exchange Server accounts.

As our services expand using 2 email clients for different exchange accounts is much more manageable than having unrelated accounts handled side-by-side in Outlook.

Our needs are to have the same behaviour in eM Client as Outlook.  So, YES,  outgoing sound is desired and in fact important , because that is the behaviour our staff experience with Outlook , and even I, during testing pause after sending mail from em Client because no outgoing sound has confirmed I sent it.

Once I have vetted the day-day use of potential mail clients, the leading candidate will be purchased for use within the company on a larger basis.  With a few simple tweaks I believe eM Client will take the race. 

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