Numbers in windows title bar

The different sections provide different information in the top-most windows title bar.
In the mail section, you get (from left to right)

  • name of the mail folder that is being viewed
  • name of the email account
    then you have 2 numbers in brackets:
  • first on the left: the number of unread messages. The count goes down as you work thru your messages
  • finally on the right another number. I always thought it is the total number of all messages in the folder that is being viewed. But no, that is different and shown in the folder Properties.
    So what does it count then??

On the left is the number of unread and on the right is the total number in that folder. It depends on what view you are using whether it is indicating messages or conversations. The folder properties always shows the number of messages, never the number of conversations.

This is all different in the Upcoming version 10. We now have the search box in the title bar, and no other information there. In that version we show the read/unread count on mouseover:


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