First, I am loving the switch to eM from Outlook which failed constantly to properly sync with Gmail among other problems. Yay!
So, creating a numbered list. In most document editors, you can type all your text, highlight to create a numbered list, then use Tab to add a nested level with the existing text. Or you can start the numbered list, and tab when you want to nest another level and write that text, then shift+tab to go back up a level for the next line, etc. Like this:
- Usually this format is Decimal
a) Tab 1 time, level is lower case Latin
i) Tab 2 times, level is lower case Roman and so on.
Instead, I’m getting this:
- First line is a Decimal as expected
- Tab 1 time, another decimal rather than lower case Latin
- Tab 2 times, another decimal rather than lower case Roman
- Tab 1 time, another decimal rather than lower case Latin
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why this is not working natively while composing a message. Do I have to separately reformat each list level to what I want it to be, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help!