Notification sound not working after upgrade to v7.2.33785.0

The title says it all.  I have even tried choosing a wav file in a different folder.  No sound is playing upon incoming email.  My PC is running Windows 8.1 64-bit.  Could this be related to tying notifications to Windows?  I have checked the obvious things like windows volume settings and the notification settings in eM Client.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

If you unselect Use system notifications , do the sounds play as normal?

Is that a setting in eM Client?  Where is it found?

Menu > Tools > Settings > General > Notifications.

Is that only for Windows 10?  I am running Win 8.1 and I do not have that option.

Not sure SysWiz. Don’t have a copy of Windows 8 available.

All I can think of is to make sure that the speaker icon next to Incoming mail does not have a red x.

There is no sound notification for 7.2.33785.0 and higher. At 7.1.33101.0 there is a sound notification.

Windows 7 x64

Upgrade to the latest version available at and see if there is any difference.

If not, can you please provide a screenshot of Menu > Tools > Settings > General > Notifications.

At 7.2.33988.0, the sound notification does not work.
The settings menu does not vary from 7.1.33101.0.

The settings do vary between Windows 7 and Windows 10. It is possible that with the introduction of Windows 10 notification integration in 7.2.x, something is broken when installed on older Windows versions.

If you have a Pro License, please open a support ticket with eM Client.

If I turn on “Use system notifications”, incoming mail will cause the Windows 10 notification chime to sound as it displays the Windows 10 notification pop-up.

However, the “Incoming mail” sound notification does not work properly when running Windows 10, with eM Client Pro version 7.2.33988.0, with “Use system notifications” turned off, and with a custom sound file. My custom sound file used to work properly when I was on version 7.1.33101.0 and I would like it to do so with this new update.

I can confirm that on Windows 10 with eM Client 7.2.33988, there is no sound notification when use of system notification is turned off. When I tested this, it failed on both the default sound file and a custom one.

I have opened a support ticket with eM Client.

I have the same issue with 7.2.33988 on window 10.

7.2.33997.0 solves the problem

Thanks for that David. I can confirm it is now resolved on Windows 10. 

And if this problem appears in the Mac version ? (this is my case in the version mac 7.2.34030.0) Thank you.
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