@Gary Yep those settings manual mail settings (worked perfectly for me) for my Outlook (live.com) mail account in eM Client, where i did have 2Step / 2FA enabled in my Microsoft account (which i still do want), but my old Microsoft App password still failed when i set it up manually in eM Client.
So removed (all) my old Microsoft Security app passwords and (created a new one) and that finally worked for manual mail setup in eM Client using your screenshot examples and port numbers etc.
Using this manual setup I now don’t have Microsoft Contacts, Calendar or Tasks in EMC, but i don’t use any of these in eM Client as use my Gmail acct Contacts, Calendar & Tasks so only need the mail.
Ps I see to in the Microsoft Security page on the right of 2Step / 2FA security, there is a new option (Passwordless account) option that has appeared. Does anyone know what that is ? Doesn’t sound safe at all. I wonder too, if you enable Passwordless would that eg: Disable 2Step / 2FA security and would that still require a manual mail setup, or could you maybe then use the normal EMC auto wizard.