Not able to run em client on windows 8

hi not able to start emclient in windows 8 it show error “em client stopped working”
what cud be the reason behind this ???


Could you please send us a description of the error message? Maybe a screenshot would help us too. Thank you.

Sorry did not find this thread before I posted the same issue myself.

new W8pro32bit installation - new eMClient install ?

same error message, tried different startup methods, including running from explorer directly “run as administrator”

Please run the tool available from… after the freeze happens. It should generate a log file (starting with “eM Client Stack” in your Documents folder) that will help us analyze the problem in more detail. Please send this file to me: [email protected]

I’ve tried again, now with em client v6 - on the same win8 inst. same issue.

I’m running eM Client on Windows 8.1 without issues.

Maybe you will need to update .NET framework 2 on your computer?

Hi, are you receiving this error while trying to run emstackdump downloaded from the link provided above?
If so did you / could you please try downloading it again , you can update your .NET framework as Hans suggested below, but that probably won’t solve this particular issue.

Thank you,