no template import option

I tried to push EMclient to be used in my company instead of outlook, but only get troubles. One of recent problems is that there is no email template import option. Must I recreate template separately for each PC? Copy paste in template creation panel ain’t work, I’m very frustrated.

You can export the templates and signatures from one computer, and import it to all the others.

To do this go to Menu > File > Export > Export Settings to xml file.

Then just choose what you want to export.

On the other computers use Menu > File > Import > Import settings from xml file.

BTW, with an IceWarp server and eM Client’s re-brandedIceWarp client, you can automatically sync settings between company computers.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, oh thank you mister! I’ll take a look what an Icewarp server is, for now i’ll go with xml. Cheers…