No incoming emails. HELP

Just switched to eM client and all was grand. All emails transferred over from Thunderbird and all test emails worked. Then a dead stop on receiving emails. Still can send, but constant error messages trying to receive. Ran through diagnostics, which “fixes” settings each time, only to be disappointed when testing once again. NO EMAILS CAN BE RECEIVED. When I look at my email on the web-browser, they are received. Issue seems to be dialog between eM Client and server. Settings for server should be: 

When setting up:

  • POP - choose POP and the incoming server port will default to 110
  • IMAP - choose IMAP and the incoming server port will default to 143
  • All other settings are the same.


Note - Substitute your actual domain name for “” and substitute the first part of your email address for “user.”

  • Username  = [email protected]
  • Password  = the password you set up when you configured your mail box
  • Incoming Mail Server  =
  • Outgoing Mail Server  =
    • Outgoing Server Requires Authentication (typically found in advanced options or settings)
    • Do NOT check “Log on Using Secure Password Authentication”
    • Use the same Username and Password as Incoming or select “Use Same Settings as Incoming”
  • Outgoing Server Port  = 2525 or 587
    • This is subject to change based on the individual preferences of your ISP
      Note - Make sure you are not chosing and SSL type, this option should be turned off, or “None” should be selected.

Settings on eM Client are: 

HOST: mail.(mydomian).com
PORT 110
Security Use SSL/TLS if available

USER: joe@(mydomain).com
PW : *********

Server Settings:
Leave copy on server ticked
Enable Service ticked

Hi Joseph, are you seeing any errors while trying to synchronize your account? If so, can you make a screenshot of the error?
What mail service provider are you using with eM Client?

And what version of eM Client are you currently using on your computer, can you check for the exact version number in Help > About?

Thank you,

Paul - I was seeing errors, but no more. Just nothing coming in. Still able to send, and Diagnosis tab shows no problems. Version 6.0.21040.0. Using Network Solutions.

Made these changes to settings: 

Settings on eM Client are: 

HOST: mail.(mydomian).com
PORT 110
Security Don’t use secure connection

Use identity credentials
USER: joe@(mydomain).com
PW : *********

Server Settings:
Leave copy on server ticked
Enable Service ticked

Hi again Joseph, are you using any firewall/proxy software on your computer that may disable the application’s ability to connect to your mail server?

Thank you,

Paul- This seemed to resolve itself after I emptied trash folders, etc.

Hi again Joseph, glad it works, please make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions, we’ll be happy to help.
