No connection to server

eMcCient gave notice that it did not close properly. since then I cannot connect to server to send or receive email.
Did a restore but that did not fix the connection.
Verizon email is uses AOL server. I have not changed any settings.
Help I have used email client for years with no problem

I cannot connect to server to send or receive email.

What error do you see in the “Show Operations” log clicking the “drop down arrow” on the right at the top left, when trying to send or receive mail ?

See if you can copy and paste just the actual specific error part from the operations log.

Connection failed due to the following reason:
“Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond…”

Do you have any optional installed eg: Firewall, Security programs, Antivirus programs, VPNS etc, other than what comes with your OS ? I

f you have, try disabling those completely to test and close and reopen eM Client.