No Calendar or contacts after upgrade to win 11

Before doing a clean install of Win 11, I made copied of the em client folder and the em-client backup folder.
When I reinstalled emClient, I used settings → Storage to point to the em client folder. This seemed to work in term of everything, except for Calendar and Contacts - which should be Local.

How can I get them back into use please?

Normally restoring either an eM Client backup zip file or hidden mail database folder restores everything including the Calendar & Contacts.

When you reinstalled Windows, after reinstalling eM Client did you “skip the setup” and restore your file via “Menu / File / Restore” ?

Or after reinstalling eM Client if you had no file, did you “replace the below hidden database folder contents” with your backed up version ? If you haven’t, close eM Client and do that. Then reopen eM Client & should be there.

"Hidden mail database folder Windows”

“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client

If you did either of the above, could be then you just “don’t have Local folders enabled”. So to check, go to "Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General and enable Show local folders up to V9.

To show Local Folders in V10, go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and enable Local Folders.

I skipped the setup because I had saved a full copy of the main eM-Client folder, so after installing emC (v10) I did settings → Storage and browsed to the saved eM-Client folder. I’ve done that before and calendar and contacts were OK, only difference I can see this time is win 11, but I can’t see how that would be the cause.

Local folders are ticked.
In eM-Client/Local Folders though, I can see every file has a .dat.bak , more significantly most of the original .dat files appear empty - but I don’t want to fiddle. Any ideas?

OK, answered my own question after a bit of thought, ta for getting me to look at the Local files. Found an older copy of eM-Client with no .bak files in Local, used that and we’re all good. I remain curious as to what I did that that ‘emptied’ the Local files and made the .bak files - I don’t want to do it again :sweat_smile: