No Account error

eM Client was working fine for me until today. Now, when I try to send an email, the message draft says “no account” at the top and, when I try to send it, it says no account was set up. When I go to account settings, my account is there and set up correctly. I’d appreciate any ideas.

Sounds like you have an eg: Outlook , Hotmail or Live type account, and “Airsync” is not selected.

Go to “Menu / Accounts” (PC) or “eM Client / Accounts” (Mac).

Then “select your account” on the left and click the “General tab” at the top.

Lastly “scroll down to Services” and “tick the AirSync option”. Then Save & Close accounts.

The Services section on mine does not have an AirSync option. Is there another possible fix? Thanks.

What type of account do you have ? (Spectrum)

The Services section on mine does not have an AirSync option. Is there another possible fix? (Spectrum)

Ok. If that’s a normal IMAP type account , suggest then to go to “Menu / Accounts” and go to your IMAP and SMTP tabs etc and first “write down all the account settings”.

Then remove and readd your account again via either the automatic email wizard at the top or manual setup via “Add / mail / other” option depending on if your server supports OAuth IMAP automatic setups or not.

Lastly before removing your account, make a backup first via “Menu / Backup” just in case you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete via clicking the dropdown arrow on the right of Refresh at the top left and clicking “Show Operations”.

I removed and readded my account. The new account has no STMP tab and, when I try to reply to an email, the from field says “no account.”

It means that the autodiscover from your server doesn’t give SMTP service details, so it is not added to the account. You will need to remove the account, then add it back manually.

You can find full instructions on how to do that in the Documentation (F1) under Getting Started.

I tried every imaginable set of settings and restarts over a period of several days and then gave up and uninstalled eM from this machine. I suspect a telephone helpline would allow more people to access the program. I understand that for $60/device that may be available, but I have 5+ devices, so that would add $300+/year for a service that competitors offer for less or free. I hope this input is useful.

You get 1 year of priority VIP Support included with the purchase of the license, then after that, if you want to renew it, it will be about $30 per year for a 5 device license.