Since yesterday there are many notions on internet that the new version 9.1.2114 has been released. If so why it is not mentioned on releases page. If it’s a beta version why it is mentioned as a stable release on the internet?
9.1.2114 is not an official release, and that is not our web page.
Sometimes a special release is built in order to test an issue with a particular user, but they are not meant for general release as they can generate some advanced logging or not be suitable for normal use. I suggest you only download versions that are listed in the Release History.
You understand that what we read on the web is a misleading info .
This version was mentioned on many cracking sites. See yourself.
I know we have to trust only official site.
I follow softpedia for a long time and this is the 1st time that they mention a version of a programm that does not really exist. If somebody is not cautious there might face problems downloading maybe a false/virus like application.
lunes 22 agosto 2022 :: 0629hrs (UTC +01:00)
Hey @LL7977
Your point?
The probability is that the removed updates were minor interim tweaks that are now fully integrated into the most recent release (save space, time and money for all)
I also reiterate what @Gary has pointed out in this thread concerning unofficial releases, except I go further and say:
at your own risk!
¡Buena suerte!
¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!
Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.
I always follow the rule to download and install the latest version as indicated in Release History | eM Client. Version 9114 was mentioned on Softpedia site as a new release version. A lot of
cracking sites were mentioning this version as well. Today I read on the forum that a user installed version 9.1.2115. Since these versions as @Gary mentioned cover testing needs and were not at all shown on the release page, I wonder why Emclient or somebody else lets this leakage to happen since users may face serious problems downloading and installing them.
lunes 22 agosto 2022 :: 0713hrs (UTC +01:00)
Hey @lamkarlef
eMC together with all software producers suffer from the activities of those over whom they have no control; plus any person who downloads and installs software, particularly from a cracking site, or some unofficial source deserves all they get and, in my opinion, should be left to resolve any problems they subsequently encounter themselves. The clue will be in the version in use.
I agree with you that it is sensible to follow only Official sites for software releases.
¡Buena suerte!
¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!
Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.
Hey @ skybat
My point? You know exactly what my point is, don’t you?
You might want to save your keystrokes. Gaslighting is now the norm here. As you and I won’t be bullied and will call-out the elephant in the room, eM Client doesn’t believe in openness and transparency.
As I have discovered the official trial version of eM Client is available everywhere now. Management at eM Client are likely leaking these versions intentionally to sites like Softpedia.
@LL7977 I think @Gary 's explanation given above is not enough.
For the 1st time I hear that a software company makes personalized releases for users. Emclient company must announce that this version 9.1.2114 is a fake or a malware in order to protect their clients.
It’s a matter of trust.
It is neither a fake nor malware. But as I said, it is not an official release and not meant for normal use. Please don’t download versions except from our website.
It is not that unusual if the vendor cares enough about their users to create a version with special logging to try and resolve a specific user’s issues. In this case, that is exactly what 2114 was. It is not meant for regular use, but to gather specific data from one user who reported a specific issue.