My client keeps resyncing (removing and redownloading 10000+ messages) my hotmail account

This is the second time this is happening now. It occurred first shortly after the last update, and it is currently doing it again. It takes ages to finish, and last time it didn’t even finish properly, it left out the last two weeks.

Is there anyone else with this problem or can anyone figure out a cause?

Hi, do you use POP3 or IMAP protocol? Is eM Client showing any error messages?

do you have newest version?


I don’t know about the first one, eM client just set it up by itself and I can’t find the server settings, perhaps you could tell me where to find those. I haven’t gotten any error messages.
I do have the latest version, just updated again. It actually started resyncing again this afternoon.
I did find a repair option in the context menu for an account. That seems to be what it is doing. Is there any way the program triggers the repair automatically?

To see an overview of your e-mail account settings:

Tools --> Accounts

Hi, has this issue disappeared for good?

Anyway no, eM Client does not triggers “fix” automatically, it always has to be forced by user.


I thought it stopped, but it just began resyncing again. About the server settings, it doesn’t show any details other than my credentials. As far as I know it uses AirSync, as there is one setting in the diagnostics tab that mentions AirSync.
I can assure you that I did not force it, I have it minimalised when I start noticing a lot of pop ups reporting ‘new’ (years old) messages coming in.

are you able to force this issue in steps so I can try this at my computeR?


The issue occurs at random moments, while the program is minimalized, sometimes I’m not even at my computer and when I come back all my messages are gone again

Do you use any kind of antivirus or firewall?


This happens to me too. I just downloaded and installed eM Client. I imported my .pst files from my old outlook. I did this to avoid the system having to download ALL my messages again.
But its doing exactly that! How can I stop it from downloading my old messages pls?

Hi, what mail service are you using? Are you using POP or IMAP account?

Thank you,

Hi Paul Thanks for replying. I am using IMAP. I have gone a step further, to deactivate “Download messages for view offline”, yet it seems its still downloading messages. In my country data is not unlimited so I have to be extremely frugal with all the work I do. Pls help to make it stop :frowning:

Hi Adedayo,

If you’ve selected NOT to dowload your e-mail for offline use, then only the e-mail subjects will be downloaded. That should not be so much data.

Only when you manually decide to open an e-mail, the contents of that e-mail will be downloaded.

Maybe you will need to restart eM Client to make a change in this specific setting active; that I don’t know.

Can you please go to Tools > Settings > Advanced and turn on IMAP logging for the account?

  1. Save the settings
  2. Restart the application
  3. Replicate the issue
    When you notice this occurs, go back to the advanced settings window and click on “Send Logs”, and send the logs to [email protected]
    Also please include a reference link to this forum topic in that email.

Thank you,

Hi Paul. It seems to have stopped. It has downloaded all the mails anyway AND uploaded the old mails in the backup I imported. In short it SYNCHRONIZED both sides, which, in retrospect, is what it said it would do. I have spent the last few days deleting mails from my server, that I had removed online as far back as 2 years, to create space. All I wanted was to avoid having to download the mails again. Thank you for reaching out though.

Hi Hans, thanks for responding. What I wanted to achieve was simple: install eM client, import my downloaded [and saved already as a .pst file] mails via the import function, then set the account to download fresh mail henceforth. Fresh mail = mail not in the imported folder. The client synchronized to a painful degree = it uploaded all the imported mails, and started downloading all the mails online, not just new. So I ended up with double for every mail. I hope you get the picture, and the extra needless data spent to achieve this.

Hi again, I’m glad it worked, I believe you might have imported the data to local folder, if you’re going to be using IMAP from now on, you should never go throuhg the same situation again.
As eM Client only downloads the headers of emails when initially setup (if you don’t have the Download messages for offline use option checked), and IMAP then syncs all your folders, so keeping this setup should let you avoid this in the future.

Also if you come across any other questions or issues, let us know, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,

Hi…been trying to follow the answers and responses here but not sure what I am doing wrong. 2-3 times a day the EM client is removing a significant part of my hotmail inbox and then slowly replacing them as it resyncs. This is the only folder impacted. It always removes the emails from the same point in time which I notice when one particular email in May 2014 is the first one in my inbox on the EM client. Obviously a bit frustrating as I cant use my inbox for mails as the resync goes on which can take some amount of time. Thanks.

Hi, can you please navigate to Tools > Settings > Advanced and enable AirSync logging for the problematic account? 

  1. Save the settings
  2. Restart the application
  3. Replicate the issue
    Once the error reoccurs, please go back to the advanced settings window and submit the logs to us using the “send logs”, submit the logs to my email [email protected] with a reference link to this forum topic.

Thank you,