Moving to eM from Thunderbird

My POP3 mail Thunderbird is failing and I need to migrate it asap. I have several years of messages stored in my local thunderbird folders and wish to migrate all. After checking eM I see Tbird folders “can be imported”.
My question is does the entry level eM account include this import and managent facility or is only with the paid versions.
I am non commercial single account user.

It works the same regardless of what license you are using. You will find the option in Menu > File > Import > Thunderbird.

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Thanks. I installed the app and yes, it was so easy to install. Another surprise was the eM app was able to interface with my service (ionos) and to correct the pop3 and smtp settings fully automatically. Really pleased!!!

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Many thanks to you and your colleague who helped defathom my problem and your speedy corrective actions. I am really pleased with outcomes.