Move to folder - Quickstep

me too
it’s a big miss from Em

Hi, any answer? Thanks

Agree that this is a key feature that should be put at the top of the list.  I often use my phone to quickly move emails to folders instead of my desktop em client because it is quicker to clean my inbox.

Hi, our enterprise need this feature for use Emclient and buy Pro license,
When is available?


Hello, I have 3 pro licenses for your em client, I’m become frustrated about the lack of this functionality for months. Frustrated enough to spend time to look and see if I could find an issue about this or otherwise create one :-).
But now I see that this is a request already since 5 years. So I suppose I don’t have to count on this being implemented then? For me this is not so much a deal-breaker but if I find the time to search for software that does this, it is enough as a necessity to jump ship. Can somebody give an update about this?


You can still upvote the idea!

Upvote the idea here:
It does say “archived and closed” but it does allow for the idea to be upvoted.

Thanks. Done. Although “ARCHIVED AND CLOSED” suggests to me it is being ignored.

Also for me the lack of this funcionlity is an heavy lack that forces me to use Thunderbird. Could someone tell us if you think to introduce this function? Thanks

Kinda amazed why this is here for 6 years now…
+1 for me, and +1 too

see “Move to folder search” that would already improve the exsiting situation.

Yes, this is better then nothing, but having  a shortcut (Button AND Keybord-Shortcut) just for one or a few folders, would be much much better. It would save so much work!

please look to add this. 2 seconds times 200 per day = 1733 minutes wasted per year, 28 hours