Move Rule not working

When a message is sent I would like to move it from the Sent folder to a local folder “Sent-test”.

However, the following rule fails to move the sent message.

After message has been sent
move to Sent-test

I am using an IMAP account with

Any help would be appreciated.

Normally Rules won’t work on send because the server creates the sent message itself. So there is nothing for the Rule to do.

I set up a rule for one of my accounts for received mails to be copied to a defined local folder in inbox local folder. Then I created similar rule for sent emails from same account to be copied to a local sub folder in local sent box.

Incoming mail I tested makes copy to the first defined under local inbox folder. However when email is sent out it does not make a copy to folder defined under local sent folder.

This is very silly since we make rules for all accounts and for incoming and outgoing emails and this half broken half functional features defeats the purpose.

I am on version 9. I deleted and created rule again twice but tested many times but I got same results.

Anybody experiencing the same?

I experienced something similar and I reported it looong time ago, but no luck.

My problem was I want to rules made what they say - so “After message has been received…” should mean eM Clinet filters all received messages. WRONG. eM Client skips filtering messages when they’re marked as read (if, for example, second user who uses the same IMAP account mark it as read on his computer). So, it’s in fact not “received” (because for MY email client it’s receiving emails process), but it supposed to be “after new, not marked as read, message has been received”. It shouldn’t work that way, program options and descriptions should have some sense - if there is “received” then it suppose to work for any received email. Well, nevermind, it’s made that way.

I assume that “after message has been sent” works similar - it probably means something a little different (like “after message has been sent, but only using POP3 account” or something like that, or even more conditions must be met, or just not working at all, who knows).

So I’m surprised that there is an option in eM Client “after message has been sent” and Gary says that “rules won’t work on send”. Please - decide one way or another.

No, I didn’t say they won’t work. I said they won’t work if the server creates the message.

If eM Client creates it, it will work by Rule. If the server creates it, there is no message in eM Client to move. You need to wait for the server to create the message and sync it back via IMAP.

All: I am testing and as a workaround I have found in order for the sent mail to my copied to a local sent folder one can bluff the system by bcc the email being sent to the same email ID as the one being sent from and then tweak the rules.

The system will make a copy of the mail. It will appear in 3 places - 1. Live inbox, 2. Live Sent folder and 3. Local sent folder as defined.

I plan to play around before setting up the Rules for another email account.

Just so I understand, I’m not sure how the server “creates” it.

If I create a new message in em Client and send it then a move sent message rule should work. Is that correct?

If I open a message in my em Client Inbox and send a reply then a move sent message rule should work. Is that correct?

When you click on Send, a message is created to save in the Sent folder.

If the server creates the message, it doesn’t yet exist in eM Client for the Rule to move. The server has to first send the message, then save the message in the server mailbox, and then that folder needs to sync back to eM Client.

This is certainly true for; a Rule to move on send won’t work with that account.