Modern Authentication Methods

Ich habe eine Mail mit diesem Betreff heute von Microsoft bekommen.
Ich kann nicht einschätzen , in wie weit meine eMC Version (10.0.3530) davon betroffen ist und der Zugriff auf mein Hotmail-Account dann nicht mehr möglich ist, bitte ich um Info

  1. ob ich betroffen bin und
  2. wenn ich betroffen bin, was ich tun muss damit es für mich weiter gehen kann.
    Vielen Dank

In case you missed it, we posted this back in 2022 when Microsoft first started the change.

Thanks a lot for the quick response.
Yes I missed it in 2022.
So follwoing what I understand, I dont have to worry about it and there will be no problems using emclient with after 16th Septmeber 2024 - RIGHT ???

Yes, as long as there is no authentication section in your account setup in eM Client, there is no problem and you will be able to continue after 16 September.

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Thank you very much Gary

I use the free version of eM Client on a Windows PC for 2 Microsoft Outlook email accounts.

I also use the free version of eM Client for iPhone for those same 2 Outlook email accounts.

Today i received an email from Outlook telling me that on the 16th of September i wont be able to use eM Client to access my email as eM Client doesnt support Modern Authentication Methods.

The problem is which one isnt configured right? The Windows PC or the iPhone or both?

Both devices are running the latest version of eM Client and the Outlook email accounts were setup on both devices within the last 6 months so why werent the accounts setup using the modern authentication method thats now required and not basic username /password authentication in the first place.

I’m assuming all i need to do is delete the Outlook accounts from eM Client and then recreate them on both the Windows PC and iPhone to resolve this issue?

As far as I can see the automatic method for adding new accounts only adds IMAP accounts. 2 years ago I created a POP3 account manually only because I couldn’t create it automatically, but now this is expiring.

How can I create a POP3 account so it uses modern authentication method??

You can’t. Microsoft no longer accept the less secure apps option, and that is required for POP3 access.

Why does Thunderbird then support POP3 with modern authentication? You can try it yourself, it sets up POP3 account with modern authentication method without any problems.

I use POP3 with both Microsoft and Google accounts, and they work without problems