Mobile App - Mail Display Issues

Please use this link to access the eml file.

Ok i also tested that Linkedin email as well on the latest Droid & iOS apps, and that email loaded on eM Client desktop and eM Client mobile apps “within 5 secs for me” on my Wifi or Mob data.

The only thing i noticed on the Droid eM Client mobile app (1st screenshot below) compared to the iOS eM Client Mobile app (2nd screenshot below), was that the Group Newsletter “Link url picture” didn’t display on the Droid mobile app, “but it did display ok on the iOS mobile app”. However everything else in the page displayed ok on both. I was also logged into the Drop box at the time on the Droid Mob, and have all pictures enabled to display on the Droid Mob app.

I tried clearing the Droid eM Client mobile cache made no difference to showing that picture.

Using eM Client for Desktop for Windows and Mac “both displayed that same picture ok”.

So seems like some eg: slight difference in the eM Client Droid mobile app code compared to the eM Client iOS mobile app code. I will test that again in the next eM Client Droid update.

(eM Client Droid App)

(eM Client iOS App)

Thanks, that’s exactly what I see as well on the eM Client Droid App.

So when I receive emails from many different senders (LinkedIn, G-Shock, Health Newsletters, Coldplay … the list goes on) that have an image within the email, the image does not appear, but the text around it appears fine.

Some sender’s use an image for the entire message (i.e. the text ‘is’ the image) so this would mean that you don’t see any of the information as the image does not appear.

Is this something you can fix in a new release or the eM Client Droid app?

Many thanks!

Is this something you can fix in a new release or the eM Client Droid app?

I have sent that example Linkedin .eml file off to eM Client mobile support to be checked out.

Great, thank you very much.

Look forward to hearing from you regarding next steps.

Hi - is there an estimated turnaround time for eM Client mobile support to review and then let you know next steps?


Hi cyberzork - is there an estimated turnaround time for eM Client mobile support to review and then let you know next steps?


is there an estimated turnaround time for eM Client mobile support to review and then let you know next steps?

No, just have to wait for the next app update and try that when released via the Playstore.

Thanks - but have you made the developers aware there is a fault with the app, or can you share details and I will inform them direct?

have you made the developers aware there is a fault with the app

Yes as already advised I have sent your Linkedin .eml example of to be looked at. That all I can do. I don’t have direct access to any further info on that. So just have to wait to test later Droid app.

Thank you very much - appreciate it